Abby Remer
Education Consultant

Sound Qualitative Evaluation & Assessment
Abby Remer has conducted both large and small evaluations for a variety of educational institutions. She brings rigor, critical thinking, and creative problem solving to each project, which is customized to meet the individual needs of the client.

What is Sound Qualitative Evaluation and Assessment?
It is a systematic approach to evaluating and/or assessing programs, projects, and/or participants.
What is the Process?

Steps include:
  • Identify why the client wants to undertake an evaluation or assessment endeavor. What is the client's ultimate goal and how they will use the results
  • Articulate what the client wants to evaluate or assess
  • Examine the goals of what will be evaluated or assessed
  • Determine the evaluation question(s)
  • Develop a plan of action and schedule for the project
  • Create the tools and methods to gather data (e.g., surveys, questionnaires, journal writings, focus groups, case studies, interviews, etc.)
  • Gather the data
  • Analyze the data and interpret the results
  • Make recommendations for the future
  • Write the report
  • Disseminate findings, if appropriate
  • Determine next steps
Who Benefits from Sound Qualitative Evaluation and Assessment?

Gather feedback on what it is participants are learning and able to understand and/or
Helps inform, refine, and/or change client's practices and/or program structure


Feel their voice is being heard, thus increasing buy-in to the program, project, and/or organization


Include the evaluation as a valuable component of staff development
Use results in proposals and reports to funders

How can the Results be used?
  • articulate outcomes in order to judge quality
  • monitor activities of all involved for efficiency and accountability; ensure program quality
  • discern areas for program improvement
  • make and embed informed changes in program's infrastructure and practices so lessons learned are not lost with staff turnover
  • document participants' experiences, knowledge and reflections, and nurturing a sense of ownership through personal contribution
  • help persuade internal administrators and external funders of the impact and importance of programs
  • capture best practices and disseminate them to the field
  • help determine next steps
Abby Remer Services
  • Customize evaluation project to meet client's needs, resources, and budget
  • Serve as an outside evaluator or guide staff in undertaking a sound qualitative evaluation or assessment
  • Create formal evaluation reports that can be shared both inside and outside the organization
  • Develop more informal reports that can be used internally to make changes in the project or practice evaluated or assessed
  • Help staff identify next steps and/or long range plan
© Copyright Abby Remer, 1996-2009